Bar Salt and Liquids, Says Herr Salomonson, and You May
A man with a strange mission has arrived in London from Ascona, on Lake Maggiore, Switzerland, says the London Mail. His object is to induce the English people to abandon the use of salt and all liquids. He himself has not drunk of anything for two years and two months, and hopes to attain a great age by persevering with that peculiar form of abstinence.
At Ascona he has founded a colony of men and women disciple, who rigorously eschew salt and liquids, work in the field in primitive garb, and, when the weather is suitable, sleep on the bare ground, from which they are supposed to extract natural magnetic currents.
Herr Joseph Salomonson, the “reformer” in question, has already gained a number of adherents in London and on the continent, including several well known physicians and scientists. He asserts that the mode of living advocated by himself and his followers is the only one that is natural and healthy, and by its adoption a man or woman may add considerably to the span of life.
“There is not a sound man in the world, ” he told the writer, “and yet the people who eat salt and drink water live to be as old as 90, or even 100. When we live a natural life I see no reason why we should not attain 100 or 250 years.”
Salt, according to Herr Salomonson, who is a man of considerable education, is the first link in a chain of modern evils. It leads to the eating of animal food, which in its turn necessitates the taking of liquids.
“The abolition of these three so called ‘necessaries,'” he proceed, “would do away with all sickness. Drugs would not be required; in fact , they would have no effect on a body, built up by natural means. In this country you establish sanatoria for ailing persons, whom you continue to supply with food upon which the very bacteria you seek to destroy thrive the best.
“Salt is not only ruinious to the body, but it is damaging to the soul and destructive of the intellect, while water or any other form of liquid is a mere burden to the stomach, and has no value at all”.
The Falls City Tribune, 1. Jahrg., 29. April 1904, Nr. 17. Online: Online.
Ebenfalls erschienen in: Laramie Boomerang, 3. März 1904, S. 3 (Online).