Ascona’s Famous Colony Near Locarno Is Now In Bankruptcy.
The famous “simple life” colony at Ascona, above Locarno, has become bankrupt, and its German promoter, Herr Aedenkowen-Hofmann [sic!], announces that the sanatorium, chalets and huts on “Monte Verita” are for sale, a dispatch to the Detroit Free Press says.
This colony, which was started on the simple-life plan about six years ago, was at first a great success. German, Austrian, Italian and other distinguished foreigners of both sexes went in for the simple life, but the fair sex always predominated.
Several duchesses, many baronesses and countesses, clothed in a kind of white sack, with bare feet and flowing hair, lived on wild fruits and vegetables and took sun and snow baths. They sold their jewels and gave the proceeds to a general fund for the benefit of all in the colony and were the chief adherents and supporters of this simple-life society.
Among their number, it will be remembered, was the Austrian actress, Mlle Adamovitch, who married and divorced the ex-Archduke Leopold of Austria.
The men, with their flowing robes and uncut hair, resembled Indian fakirs. The views of most of them on social problems were too advanced even for the colony, and several of them were asked to leave.
The Chicago Live Stock World, 10. Jahrg., 9. Oktober 1909, Nr. 255, S. 2. Online