The directors proprietors
The Sketch, 28. März 1906. S. 334. Weitere Aufnahmen von Adolfo Croce unter Getty Images.
The Sketch, 28. März 1906. S. 334. Weitere Aufnahmen von Adolfo Croce unter Getty Images.
Advocated By Man Who Walks the Streets Almost Naked. New York, Feb. 20. – „I would walk down Broadway naked if it were not for the police“, said a remarkable looking man whi attracted agreat … Weiterlesen
Salomonson Arrives With an Infallible Prescription for Becoming a Methnsela [sic!]. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 12. – According to Joseph Salomonson, who has arrived here from Liverpool, everybody has a chance to live four hundred years. … Weiterlesen
A Utopian society has established itself in Ascona, a little place on the borders of Italy and Switzerland. This little society, which numbers thirty-eight individuals, seeks to solve the problem of how to live happily. … Weiterlesen
Because I was an ex-Archduke, that crazy back-to-nature colony made the great concession of permitting me to wear trousers and even a top coat when I witnessed their naked moonlight dances at Ascona, Italy. Queer, … Weiterlesen